Gary Ryan Moving Beyond Being Good®

Help me give away 10,000 audio and ebooks of my Bestseller

Gary Ryan Season 2023 Episode 135

If you, or anyone in your network would like the audiobook and eBook versions of my #1 Amazon Kindle Bestseller, click this link

Many of you would be aware that I recently had surgery to replace my right hip. The surgery has gone very well and I am now back on my feet, which is great .

A few Sundays ago was the first time I had been to a function at our local junior football club, of which we have been members for 15 years and for which I have held many roles, including having commenced the girls junior football program back in 2015, which is still going strong today.

As a result of a story too long to share, I had a box full of my books that didn’t cost me anything. I thought to myself, “Who could I share these with? How can I share some of my books?"

The answer: the coaches and parents at our Junior Football Club.

That night, the club was heaving with well over 300 players and parents in attendance. The club President Brodie Phillips gave the free book a plug in both his opening and closing speeches, including the fact the book had become a #1 Amazon Kindle Bestseller. Our club motto is, “Through football, better citizens” and it is a motto that is alive and breathing at the club. It is a motto that means a lot to me.

However, I could not give all the books away. I still had 18 books in the box. Heaps of parents simply said, “It sounds interesting, but I don’t read.”

I have received feedback that the subtitle could have been, “Lessons for parents from the pandemic”. Is there a more important leadership role than parenting?

Upon reflection, they weren’t saying they don’t read “anything”. What they were saying was they don’t read physical books.

So, it got me thinking. I have a digital version of my book, and I have an audio version of my book, maybe you will listen to the book, or “read” the digital version. 

Then I thought, why not drop all the barriers and let everyone get both for free!
So, because of my experience last night, you are going to benefit 😀!

It is time to share some ❤️ so you can get both versions for free and make it easier for you and others in your network to “read” 😀

I am now on a mission to give away at least 10,000 copies – and I need your help! Feel free to share this opportunity in any way you like, including sharing this podcast episode.

If you would like support in creating a high-performance culture based on treating people as human beings, please click here to contact Gary Ryan

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