Gary Ryan Moving Beyond Being Good®

Chapter 5: Vision Matters

Gary Ryan Season 2023 Episode 138

Gary Ryan's good friend Alan Wong, who lives in Hong Kong, asked Gary if, over time, he would share the audio chapters of his #1 Amazon Kindle Bestseller "Disruption Leadership Matters - lessons for leaders from the pandemic" as episodes in this podcast.

What Alan requests, he gets!

This is Chapter 5: Vision Matters!

Gary is currently on a mission to give away 10,000 copies of the audio and ebook files for his book and you can claim your copies here.

Please connect with Gary Ryan on LinkedIn here.

Find out more about Organisations That Matter here.

Access the new online Life Planning and Life Balance Program, Yes For Success, here.

If you would like support in creating a high-performance culture based on treating people as human beings, please click here to contact Gary Ryan

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