Gary Ryan Moving Beyond Being Good®

How to communicate effectively and 'playright' your way to success with Dale Stevens

Gary Ryan Season 2023 Episode 159

Dale Stevens is the Founder of Playright and is Gary Ryan's guest on Episode of the Moving Beyond Being Good Podcast. 

Dale Stevens is a London-trained actress who discovered her passion for acting at a very young age. Her journey took her from London to Sydney, New Zealand and back to Melbourne as she pursued her love for the craft. 

One of the pivotal moments in Dale’s career was landing a role in Mission Impossible, where she portrayed an assassin in front of famous US actors. This experience taught her that her best work happened when she was most afraid, which lead her to make friends with her nerves. Then came her big idea. 

We’re all always acting and most people act unconsciously, what if they could use acting techniques to navigate their way through life intentionally…turns out they can and through her work they do. 

Over the last 11 years, Dale has worked with lawyers, accountants, business owners, government departments, entrepreneurs, telecommunications and buddy speakers. It turns out that there are ways of behaving that are common to all of us and as Dale says - human behaviour drives economics. 

In this episode you will learn:

  • Dale's journey and why she is so passionate about helping professionals improve their communication
  • Why confidence isn't as important as you may think for public speaking
  • Hacks for improving your communication and storytelling that you will be able to use immediately
  • And much more!

Connect with Dale via her website here 

Connect with Dale on LinkedIn here 

Email Dale here 

Connect with Gary Ryan on LinkedIn here

Contact Gary Ryan here 

Download Gary Ryan's #1 Amazon Kindle Bestseller in AudioBook and eBook formats for FREE here

Purchase Gary Ryan's new book, Yes For Success - How to Achieve Life Harmony and Fulfillment here

Purchase Yes For Success - How to Achieve Life Harmony and Fulfillment Kindle Edition (physical editions are coming soon to Amazon) on Amazon here 

Find out more about Organisations That Matter here  

If you would like support in creating a high-performance culture based on treating people as human beings, please click here to contact Gary Ryan

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